呢一d正一係垃圾理論,諗唔到有乜野好講就搵d野講。係老闆係立法會9 up,又唔見係話佢破壞特首形象。成班副局長同政治助理成日語無倫次,又唔見你叫班廢柴將自己把口搵針線封埋?
(明報)2009年6月24日 星期三 17:50
Police in protest rally over pay
An estimated 22,500 police officers have marched in central London in a protest over pay.
Police are angry that a 2.5% pay rise was only backdated to 1 December for UK officers except for those in Scotland.
Prime Minister Gordon Brown said he would have liked to pay more but it was part of the "fight against inflation".
Police Federation chairman Jan Berry held "constructive" talks with the home secretary, but said trust between the two sides needed to be rebuilt.
Police say the rise is effectively a 1.9% annual increase - unlike that in Scotland, where it has been backdated to 1 September.
The Police Federation, which represents officers up to the rank of Chief Inspector, has applied for a judicial review of the decision by ministers.
Both the Met Police and the Police Federation estimated that 22,500 officers had joined the march.
Only a small number of uniformed officers had been deployed to man what was largely a quiet and orderly protest.
Officers from Scotland showed support for their colleagues by taking part, as did some from higher ranks, including superintendents.
Some of the marchers visited Parliament to lobby their MPs.
A rally at Central Hall in Westminster, consisting of 3,500 officers, was followed by Ms Berry presenting a petition to Downing Street and meeting home secretary.
Ms Berry said of the meeting with Ms Smith: "She did listen and the talks were certainly more constructive than my last meeting with her, which I would describe as being pretty acrimonious."
She added: "We recognise that we need to move on at some stage but what we pointed out to the home secretary is that the 25,000 police officers who came to London today and those left behind who were doing their duty, there's still some unfinished business for how we've been treated.
"And for us to be able to enter into negotiations in the future, we've got to trust the people that we're going to be negotiating with. And that trust is going to have to be rebuilt because it's been broken."
She told MPs at a meeting in the House of Commons that the federation filed documents applying for a judicial review on 22 January.
Speaking at the Westminster rally, Liberal Democrat leader, Nick Clegg said it was "a disgrace" that the government had "let the officers down."
Shadow Home Secretary, David Davis followed Mr Clegg onto the stage and said he didn't understand why the government had reneged on the pay deal.
Federation members will be balloted next month on whether to campaign for the right to strike.
However, Andrew Haldenby, director of the think tank Reform, said police had been given above-inflation pay rises for the past 12 years without delivering a better service.
2009年6月20日 星期六
中國人有一樣野最賤就係中國人係外國專呃中國人。係英國無乜一條街叫Japan Town,Korea Town或Italy Town。反而中國人最巴閉,係London 同 Manchester都有China Town。不過有China Town唔等如中國人特別團結,反而中共國民就最鍾意呃係China Town出入的中共國民。
所以係英國唔少香港人都話自己係Hongkonger或者I am from Hong Kong。好少人受中共洗腦,係外國人面前(尤其是移民官)大大聲話自己係中共國民。
入籍大龍鳳玩謝華人2009/06/20 來源:on.cc
Gang staged citizenship ceremony to con Chinese immigrants
Rashid Razaq19.06.09
A gang staged a bogus British citizenship ceremony with a fake Home Secretary as part of a scam to con thousands of pounds from Chinese immigrants, a court heard.The ceremony took place at the Central Methodist Hall just yards from the Houses of Parliament and the new Supreme Court.
Southwark Crown Court heard yesterday (Thu) how the gang hired a film crew and actors to play the Home Secretary, immigration officials, security guards and members of the audience to convince those who attended it was genuine.
The bogus MP gave a speech welcoming the immigrants to Britain before they all sang “God Save the Queen” in front of a picture of the Queen and a Union Jack.
The gang set up two fake law firms, called Lombards and Borough de Law, and advertised their services in the Chinese language press in the UK.
Those who attended the rented offices at various addresses on Lombard Street, close to the Bank of England, were given a presentation and asked for a deposit of up to £2,000.
In the months that followed they received confirmation that their citizenship applications had been successful and were invited to the ceremony on 7 December 2007 at the imposing venue.
It was only when they tried to use the passports they discovered they were fakes and the deception was uncovered.
Simon Clarke, prosecuting, said: ““Any foreign national new to citizenship would have no reason to doubt the authenticity of that ceremony. No doubt a new citizen would perhaps have been proud and honoured to have participated.
“Convincing as it was for those present this was not a genuine ceremony. It was false in every respect save for the appearance of realism.”
The court also heard that the British actors and film crew hired for the ceremony had also been deceived. They had been told they were making a promotional video welcoming Chinese nationals to the UK.
One of the victims, Tan Li Huang, said: “We sang the British national anthem and then we were made to swear an oath.
“The man in front then spoke many words which I did not understand. I think I have seen him on television.
“We all clapped our hands then they called our names. We went up to the male who had made the speech and I was given an envelope.”
Xiang Li, 29, from Stratford, east London, one of the gang members, has pleaded guilty to two counts of assisting unlawful entry into the country and two counts of fraud by misrepresentation. He has also admitted one count of money laundering.
But he denies a further count of assisting entry and one of fraud by misrepresentation.
The alleged mastermind of the scam, Tian Zhao, has never been caught.
The trial continues
所以係英國唔少香港人都話自己係Hongkonger或者I am from Hong Kong。好少人受中共洗腦,係外國人面前(尤其是移民官)大大聲話自己係中共國民。
入籍大龍鳳玩謝華人2009/06/20 來源:on.cc
Gang staged citizenship ceremony to con Chinese immigrants
Rashid Razaq19.06.09
A gang staged a bogus British citizenship ceremony with a fake Home Secretary as part of a scam to con thousands of pounds from Chinese immigrants, a court heard.The ceremony took place at the Central Methodist Hall just yards from the Houses of Parliament and the new Supreme Court.
Southwark Crown Court heard yesterday (Thu) how the gang hired a film crew and actors to play the Home Secretary, immigration officials, security guards and members of the audience to convince those who attended it was genuine.
The bogus MP gave a speech welcoming the immigrants to Britain before they all sang “God Save the Queen” in front of a picture of the Queen and a Union Jack.
The gang set up two fake law firms, called Lombards and Borough de Law, and advertised their services in the Chinese language press in the UK.
Those who attended the rented offices at various addresses on Lombard Street, close to the Bank of England, were given a presentation and asked for a deposit of up to £2,000.
In the months that followed they received confirmation that their citizenship applications had been successful and were invited to the ceremony on 7 December 2007 at the imposing venue.
It was only when they tried to use the passports they discovered they were fakes and the deception was uncovered.
Simon Clarke, prosecuting, said: ““Any foreign national new to citizenship would have no reason to doubt the authenticity of that ceremony. No doubt a new citizen would perhaps have been proud and honoured to have participated.
“Convincing as it was for those present this was not a genuine ceremony. It was false in every respect save for the appearance of realism.”
The court also heard that the British actors and film crew hired for the ceremony had also been deceived. They had been told they were making a promotional video welcoming Chinese nationals to the UK.
One of the victims, Tan Li Huang, said: “We sang the British national anthem and then we were made to swear an oath.
“The man in front then spoke many words which I did not understand. I think I have seen him on television.
“We all clapped our hands then they called our names. We went up to the male who had made the speech and I was given an envelope.”
Xiang Li, 29, from Stratford, east London, one of the gang members, has pleaded guilty to two counts of assisting unlawful entry into the country and two counts of fraud by misrepresentation. He has also admitted one count of money laundering.
But he denies a further count of assisting entry and one of fraud by misrepresentation.
The alleged mastermind of the scam, Tian Zhao, has never been caught.
The trial continues
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